that awesome!
you from initial sketches to the final construction.

brilliant minds!
damages issues in hundreds of litigation and dispute matters.
Company overview
Consulting WP is a global consulting powerhouse. We began our operations a few decades ago and have grown due to excellent relationships with our clients. We started out small, with just a few people and a small office, but today we have offices in multiple countries with hundreds of people working inside them.
We achieved our success because of how successfully we integrate with our clients. One complaint many people have about consultants is that they can be disruptive. Employees fear outside consultants coming in and destroying the workflow. Our clients face no such issues.
Consulting WP continues to grow ever day thanks to the confidence our clients have in us. We cover many industries such as financial, energy, business services, consumer products.
Our mission
Our renowned coaching programs will allow you to:
- Work fewer hours — and make more money
- Attract and retain quality, high-paying customers
- Manage your time so you’ll get more done in less time
- Hone sharp leadership skills to manage your team
- Cut expenses without sacrificing quality
- Automate your business, so you can leave for days, weeks, or even months at a time
How we work

Gsdassociation é uma Associação Nacional sem fins lucrativos que promove os direitos entre os cidadãos em especial as mulheres e raparigas.
Nos Nunca Pensamos que algum dia, teríamos uma formação e capacitação desse nível não só a costura mas também o fabrico de mascaras.

Este projecto trouxe um meio de subsistência para mim e minha família.

A GSDAssociation e o projecto Spot light trouxeram para nos a oportunidade de aprender a costurar, fazer mascaras que serão benéficas para nos como também para os moradores da nossa província e distritos.

“Graças a Lei Contra os Casamentos Prematuros nas províncias de Nampula e Manica, distritos de Mogovolas, Angoche e Chimoio os casos de casamentos prematuros já não tem decorrido, porque há aplicação da lei que defende as Raparigas dos Casamentos prematuros e a população se sente mais confiante faz denuncias e facilita o nosso trabalho e o da policia sobre tudo a Lei protege a vitima”.